Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day 2, Barcelona

The people of Barcelona have every right to be proud of their city. We spent all day out on the town; the people are friendly and helpful, the city is beautiful, and the options for things to do seems almost endless. Chuck, and the entire business team here for his company, actually biked the city in the afternoon. He said they all had a great time on a "treasure hunt" visiting the beaches, Zoo, Columbus Monument, etc. Meanwhile, Lindsay and I toured Gaudi's Casa Batllo, L'Aquarium, the Barcelona Zoo, the Cathedral of Barcelona and the Roman Aquaduct and Wall Ruins.

The bus tours are definitely the way to go around here, there are 3 tours to different parts of the city, and they each stop at different points of interest. At a cost of $23 for 2 days you can hop on and hop off any or all of these routes. They give the tours in 8 different languages, and they pick up and drop off at the same location. Buses in summer run every 5 minutes, but at this time of the year they are running about every 15 minutes, we never waited more than about about 10 minutes until a bus arrived.

Below are today's pictures. I'll post alot, because we took alot-

Lindsay has decided that the graffiti here in Barcelona is artwork in itself. I guess if Picasso and Gaudi were considered artists...

I again lit candles for some friends, this time in the Barcelona Cathedral...

The Roman Aquaducts and Walls are called "ruins", but they looked pretty good for their age, if you ask me...

The Barcelona Zoo is being refurbished and is under heavy construction, so they have all the animals in pretty tight quarters right now. In fact, I was amazed at how close we were able to get to the animals-Typical seafood, uh, I mean aquatic life at the L'Aquarium. Anyone remember eating sea cucumbers in China?The Columbus Monument, his outstreatched finger is 1/2 a meter long. This is the largest Columbus monument in the world, so we were told.

Gaudi's Casa Batllo is different; beautiful, but different. No straight lines here. A contractor would be driven crazy!!

More adventures tomorrow...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks like you've done a lot if the few days you've been gone! Barcelona looks and sounds like a "must see"! I'm having fun following along . . . can't wait for more Doebler great adventures . . .