Sunday, October 14, 2007

We,ve arrived in Carcassonne!!!

We'll post pictures this evening after we finish dinner, but we wanted family and friends to know we arrived at our first destination. For now we will just say---WOW! It was a long journey getting here, but just the few hours we have spent here in France have made every bit of the effort and time worthwhile. The beauty of the french towns and countryside is amazing. We're heading out to walk to the castle, and have dinner. We'll post pictures and commentary later...

Sue, Chuck and Lindsay


Barb said...

Hi Sue, Chuck, and Lindsay,

I happy to hear you have arrived in France, and I can't wait to hear more and see your pictures.

FYI...Peter and I went to the NU-Minn. football game yesterday, and I am happy to report that NU WON with a score of 49 to 48 in double overtime. It was a truly exciting game especially during the last quarter.

Have fun,

Penny said...

It's Monday morning. Where are the pictures? Just kidding! Have a great trip and thanks for letting us share it with you.

Unknown said...

Hello Doeblers! I'm looking forward to following along on your trip! I thought about your long trip on Saturday, and am glad to hear you made it safetly. Have a wonderful time!

Unknown said...

Sue, Chuck and Lindsay!
What an awesome time you must be having. And I thought Montana was awesome! What a great time we had relaxing and just being together. However, when Lindsay is off to school and you are looking for a travel companion, I am your gal! I don't whine, I am very low maintenance and I don't snore! What a better travel companion can you ask for?? Lindsay, good for you...this is much more educational than school anyway! You will remember this trip for a long long time.
Travel safe!
See you when you get home!