Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dinner and some rest!

We had dinner at a wonderful restaurant named the Haborside. Our table overlooked the bay. We had beautiful views as the sun set and boats came and went along the docks. Dinner was phenomenal. I had snapper and a white bean salad on a bed of greens. We had raw oysters for an appetizer (I have had raw oysters in Portugal, Boston, Baltimore, Kona and now here in the southern hemisphere. I love raw oysters). They serve them differently here. Along with the typical lemon wedge, they were served with a vinegar and garlic dip and a creamier pepper sauce. I enjoyed the vinegar and garlic dip. The oysters were $5 each, they do not sell them, as they do most other places by the 1/2 dozen or dozen. We had desert and expresso, and then called it a night around 7:30 p.m. Lindsay said most people in New Zealand eat dinner early, around 5 to 5:30ish.
We came back to our room and I went to bed around 8:30, exhausted! Lindsay and Chuck stayed up until 10:30 p.m.
A little observation about something we see in our room and Lindsay informs us is everywhere here. Switches on the outlet plugs. Lindsay said she has not seen an outlet without these on/off switches. You can turn off each outlet so whatever appliance you have attached to the outlet does not trickle drain electricity from the outlet or use electricity while not in use. What a great way to save electricity, something we should look at in the U.S.! Even the hot water outlet has a switch, which you turn on 15 minutes before you'd like a shower, etc.
Today we are off to Rotorua. There are 7 active volcanoes in the area and Lindsay said the entire area smells like sulphur. We will visit Hobbiton in this area. This is the movie set for the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and they are currently setting up to film the "Hobbit" movie at this same location. We will also visit a sheep farm and hike some trails in the areas around the volucanoes. There are trails that lead to "mudpot" areas similar to the mudpots in the Mammoth Springs area at Yellowstone. Maybe we'll get a mudbath? Lindsay said they sell the "mud" from this area for cosmetic reasons all over the country, and in fact we did see some yesterday for sale. At any rate, I have to wonder, how much mud would it take to make me beautiful (and tall, I mean why not, right? If it's gonna make be beautiful, why can't it make me tall too)?
I have noticed my walking lately has paid off tremendously. We walked all over Auckland yesterday and it was a breeze. Thanks Barb (especially), Pat and Alice for keeping this going. I am feeling the wonderful effects of these long strolls together and the companionship is what has been the difference for me. I would have never continued to do our walking without the company!

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