Friday, November 5, 2010

Honolulu, no Diamond Head!

Well, due some unfortunate circumstances, we did not make it to Diamond Head. We did see it from a distance. Instead, we had a long, city bus ride through the city when Chuck decided that we could save some money by taking the city transportation system to Diamond Head.

We had a lovely bus ride through Honolulu. I thihnk we saw about every street. It took 1 1/2 hrs. to get to the city transfer station, and then we had to pick up another bus. We waited 30 minutes for our transfer bus, then did the math and decided we did not have time to get to Diamond Head, do the 2 hour hike and get then back in time to comfortably catch our flight.

Instead we strolled around an open air market, took a taxi back to the airport, and here we are.
The picture is of a Nanu tree, which is nearly extinct. It is a type of Gardenia typw tree. The flowers are beautiful. I don't know if they are fragrant, didn't get close enough.

We caught a taxi back to the airport and we saw neighborhood after neighborhood filled with houses, a vast majorit of which has solar pannels on their roof. Looks like they are serious here about renewable resources.

Needless to say, as we sit here awaiting our flight,we are exhausted. I only got 3 hrs. sleep the night before we left and it is now 12:30 a.m. Chicago time. Hopefully we will be able to sleep on the plan, since we arrive ta 6 a.m.


Unknown said...

SUE - it is 25 degrees in Chicago this morning. Enjoy your SUMMER weather in New Zealand. And as long as you didn't hike the couldn't find a place to rent a surfboard for a few hours and grab a quick lesson?

Sue said...

Pat - oops! forgot my suit...