Friday, November 5, 2010

We're off again...

This time to New Zealand. Travel along and let's see what we find (or trip over!)...
The most exciting part will be that I will get to see Lindsay!
We will be staying on the North Island for this trip, and it's suppose to be a relaxing trip, ha ha ha!
Although we leave Chicago under the threat of icy rain and possible light snow (hey, it's November), we will arrive to summer in New Zealand.
What that means is I am wearing shorts to the airport...
Our first stop will be Honolulu where we hope to hike Diamondhead and get some photos with our little point and click, let's see how they turn out.

The hike up is only .7 miles, so we should be able to manage, although after living in the midwest, I'm not use to inclines anymore...


Unknown said...

It was a chilly morning to leave Chicago in shorts! (36 degrees) I'm looking forward to you photos of sunny Hawaii. Please don't forget that bikini/surfing photo.

Sue said...

Pat, it was 29 degrees when we left Chicago. I was the only one on the plane in shorts, which surprised me.

Unknown said...

Good idea, Chuck to check out the city by bus! Personally, I thought you were a little crazy, Sue, to think about hiking Diamond Head, but then what they only live once!!
And, what a shock that you were the only one in shorts!!! I'm sooo proud of you!

Sue said...

Carol, the bus trip was a set up by Chuck, I am sure of it! He and Barb may have even planned it out beforehand!