Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We started out leaving Rotorua and headed for the volcanoes to the soouth. As we drove closer we realized how high they were, even from a distance, they were totally covered with snow. We drove to the east side of the volcanoes and entered the Tongariro National Park (free). We had already done alot of research on the park and trails and knew what trail we wanted to hike on. The one we chose was a 3.5 miles hike. This trail was to take us through flora and fauna of a rain forest, lava fields and to the base and top of a 100' water fall. Words can not even capture the extent of what we saw. Ever step was a new adventure. We were fascinated with the diversity and beauty of the this very unique area. Chuck and I decided it was probably the best hike we have ever taken.

The trail was quite steep, although not dangerous.

We loved every minute in this great park and trail.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's easy to see why they are filling the Lord of the Rings movies there.