Saturday, November 13, 2010

Too little time Gisborne!

We got up on Saturday and met for breakfast at a small resturant next to our hotel. Nav and Linday had the day planned out for us.

First we strolled along the riverwalk that runs by our hotel. Along the walk we saw a small trail station that runs steam engine trains, Nav did not know where they go, but there were poeple working on the steam locomotive. Chuck was thrilled to see and get pictures of this!

We came upon a monument to Captain Cook as the walk streatched out from the river to along the bay. There were parks and recreational facilities all along the coast as we walked.

We eventually ended up at a public beach and we did a little beachcombing. We turned around and started our return walk and as we strolled along we were treated to some birds in the mouth of the river diving down into the river and catching fish to eat. It was such a treat to see. These birds were able to swim underwater for great length of time and distance.

We returned to our hotel and got our car . With Nav directing we started our drive. He took up up to a hill with a monument that overlooks the entire city of Gisborne. There it was laid out before, totally surrounded by mountains. This seclusion makes Gisborne such a gem, because it is more difficult to get here, so many people pass it by for easier access areas.

The view was phenomenal and if you turned 180 degrees, the view was out the bay to the Pacific Ocean. You could almost picture Captain Cook "discovering" New Zealand as Maori people watched from this point as the sails of his ship came closer. They drove him off with no much needed provisions and thus this bay is called Poverty Bay.
We left this area and went down to a small fish shop and acquired fish and chips for lunch. We took the fish and chips to a beach front area where there were picnic tables and sat at the beach, watching surfers and swimmers and ate this delicious lunch. I could have stayed in that location forever.
The beautiful view out to the Pacific, the calm, the company, all were perfect. I would have stayed there too, but we had more places to see!

Nav took us on a tour through Gisborne as he narrated about the neighborhoods and locations. We went into town and strolled some shops and bought a couple books in a book store. We went to a park area to the north and walked through a rainforest area with some of the tallest trees I have ever seen. This forest had a quietness that was only occassionally broken as huge palm trees dropped their fronts crashing to the ground.
We drove to the Kahn's (Nav's Family) home and we met his mother and sister. We had fresh lemon juice afetr we went to their backyard and picked the lemons from their lemon tree. What a treat! His mother served us a delicious choclate cake and we talked visited for about two hours. We left and came back to our hotel. Nv came up and we all sat and talked for another 2 hours before we decided to walk into town for dinner. Chuck and I ate at an English pub along the river, Lindsay and Nav decided to head further into town. Chuck and I ended our day by walking back to our hotel along the riverwalk at sunset. The perfect end to an absolutely wonderful day. Unfortunately, we must leave this place now. We now must drive the 6 hours to Auckland and we have one final day there before leaving the country. I have never visited anyplace where I felt so comfortable and welcomed.

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